Hélène Poiraud is a designer of textiles, materials and colours. Born in 1992, of French-Austrian origin, she grew up surrounded by a family of passionate art collectors. After studying textiles at the ENSAAMA Olivier-de-Serres in Paris, Hélène graduated from the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris in 2018. Throughout her course, she explored various fields in which textiles are employed, such as fashion, the automotive industry and furnishing. It is through their design, their weave or even the working of their colours that she finds enrichment, enabling her to freely express herself. After working with a weaver in northern France, where she designed collections of furnishing fabric, she chose to move into the field of interior decoration. In effect, Hélène is committed to using craftsmanship and expertise to bring meaning and emotion to her creations. Today, she works in an interior architecture studio in Paris, where she develops textiles and materials to create unique living spaces. Through her creative approach, Hélène wants more than anything to tell us a story. Drawing inspiration from craftsmanship, the urban landscape and nature, she creates unique designs and motifs.
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